Tag Archive: Julien Salemkour

Ekaterina Chayka-Rubinstein

August 17, 2021 9:01 am Published by In December 2024, Ekaterina Chayka-Rubinstein will go on tour of Europe, singing Orlofsky in Strauß’ Die Fledermaus accompanied by Les

Anna Malesza-Kutny

February 27, 2020 12:26 pm Published by …, but it was Anna Malesza-Kutny’s Despina who stole the show with her vocal acrobatics and an unexpected, brilliant solo

Rouwen Huther

January 10, 2018 10:47 am Published by …the imposing tenor Rouwen Huther gave a complete interpretation, forthright and deeply involved from the inside out… Bachtrack, 22 July